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India's most Comprehensive & Accurate

Real Estate
Data Intelligence
for your Business

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Our Services

Business Services is the all-in-one platform that complements your Real Estate Business needs.

  • REI Dashboard
  • Transaction Search
  • Desktop Valuation
  • Physical Valuation
  • Project Monitoring Reports
  • Litigation Search
  • Title Search

Real Estate Dashboard

Our real estate analytics product is a comprehensive tool designed to empower real estate professionals, investors, and stakeholders with data-driven insights to make informed decisions in the dynamic property market. Leveraging advanced algorithms and robust data sources, our platform offers unparalleled intelligence to navigate complex real estate landscapes with confidence.

  • Data Aggregation and Visualization: Our product collects and aggregates diverse real estate data from various sources including market trends, property prices, demographics, and economic indicators. Users can visualize this data through intuitive dashboards and interactive maps for better understanding and analysis.
  • Predictive Analytics: Through cutting-edge predictive modeling techniques, our product forecasts future market trends, property valuations, and investment opportunities. This feature enables users to anticipate market shifts, identify emerging hotspots, and optimize their real estate strategies accordingly.
  • Comparative Market Analysis: Our platform facilitates detailed comparative analysis of properties, neighborhoods, and market segments. Users can benchmark property performance, assess competitive landscapes, and identify potential areas for growth or investment.
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Transaction Search

One Stop Real Estate Data Source- brings the world of real estate data and property rights into one platform and transforms the way you search for real estate information for diligence and to take informed decisions

  • Detailed examination of historical property transactions to assess market trends and property value.
  • Provides valuable insights into property appreciation, investment potential, and pricing strategies.
  • Empowers clients with data-driven decision-making for buying, selling, or investing in real estate.
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Desktop Valuation

A desktop valuation, is a property valuation method that is conducted using data and information available without physically inspecting the property. This type of valuation relies on information such as recent sales data, market trends, property characteristics, and other relevant factors to determine the estimated value of a property.

  • Swift and accurate assessment of property value without the need for physical inspection.
  • Utilizes advanced data analytics and market trends to provide reliable estimations.
  • Ideal for preliminary assessments and portfolio evaluations.
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Physical Valuation

Physical valuation, is a property valuation method that involves a comprehensive assessment of a property through an in-person visit to the location. During a physical valuation, a qualified valuer conducts a thorough examination of the property, considering various factors such as its condition, size, location, amenities, and any unique features.

  • In-depth evaluation conducted through meticulous examination of the property.
  • Factors in physical condition, location, amenities, and comparable sales to determine fair market value.
  • Essential for precise valuation in real estate transactions and mortgage lending.
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Project Monitoring Report

Project monitoring reports provide individuals and enterprises with periodic updates on their projects and assets, spanning from the initial stages until possession. These reports encompass recent transactions, legal cases, ongoing monitoring of approvals construction progress,and the evolving valuation of your property.

  • Providing periodic updates on projects and assets from inception to possession
  • Encompasses Recent Transactions, Legal Cases, Ongoing Approvals & Construction Progress
  • Keeps Individuals and Enterprises well informed and in control of their investments
  • Tracks the changing valuation of your property
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Litigation Search

A litigation search is a process of conducting research to gather information related to legal court cases and lawsuits associated with a particular individual, entity, or property. This search involves examining various legal documents, court records, case histories, and other relevant information pertaining to specific legal matters.

  • Comprehensive research to identify any ongoing or past legal proceedings related to the property.
  • Helps clients understand potential legal liabilities and challenges associated with the property.
  • Essential for making informed decisions regarding property acquisition or investment.
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Title Search

A title search report is a document that provides information about the ownership history and legal status of a property. It is typically used in real estate transactions to ensure that the seller has a clear and marketable title to the property

  • Thorough investigation to verify property ownership and uncover any encumbrances or liens.
  • Ensures clear and marketable title, minimizing risks for buyers and lenders.
  • Crucial step in property transactions to prevent legal disputes and facilitate smooth closings.
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Authenticated Data at Scale




Transactional Records




Transactional Records

6 Metro cities
10 Tier 2 & 3

2 Countries
5 States



6 Metro cities
10 Tier 2 & 3

2 Countries
5 States



Retail space




Retail space




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Data Pyramid

In-Depth Hierarchical Data

Data Pyramid

  • 01
    Country Level

    Allows user to view the Indian Real Estate market from eagle view level. Comparing the various cities rates and transaction movements

  • 02
    City Level

    Allows user to view analytics at overall city level.. Wherein he can compare the locations based on various parameters like avg rate, transaction etc

  • 03
    Location Level

    Allows user to scan the entire location (Andheri - East) , comparing various projects within the same locations. This helps him to narrow down to a small set of projects and influencing his buying decision.

  • 04
    Project Level

    Allows the user to drill down all the details of a specific project. The user can view the past transactions and at what rates. Also can view the analytics around the inventory and development status of the project

Data Pyramid

Building the most comprehensive Data Dictionary for Indian Real Estate

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Data Intelligence dictionary


Business Services is the all-in-one platform that complements your Real Estate Business needs.
Access to authenticated data at scale
Get access to 10Mn+ transactional data that has been processed and organized using AI & ML.
Streamline your workflow
Consolidate all your customer requirements & tasks in one place with Business Services’ buet of apps.
Higher Conversions at Reduced Costs
Reduce your costs & Improve your delivery speed. We help you gain more bandwidth to serve more clients.
Build Trust in your Business & unlock Growth
With access to large set of sanitized historical & geographical data, maximize your sales potential.
Maximize your Sales Potential
Advanced search algorithm and multiple automated processes, give you accurate and reliable results every time.
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Data Rocket

Data Rocket

Speed up
your Business

With the power of Data Intelligence byData Rocket

Data Pyramid

Data Pyramid

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